is a non-contagious, inflammatory and chronic skin disease that occurs in episodes on the face. It manifests itself in blotchy redness on the cheeks, nose and forehead through to inflammatory blisters and nodules that are associated with pain. The symptoms spread across the face like a butterfly shape.
Due to its presence in the middle of the face, psychosocial consequences occur.
Those affected no longer feel comfortable in their skin, and in many cases the unpleasant redness even reduces their quality of life. However, rosacea is not uncommon.
On the contrary, it is one of the most common diseases that develop in adulthood. In Germany, around 10 million people suffer from the disease, mostly adults. Rosacea symptoms are superficially similar to acne, but are fundamentally different. You can find out here how the condition of the skin can be improved with the right care and medical treatment.
Various triggers, called "triggers," can cause new flare-ups in those affected. These include spicy foods, hot drinks, alcohol, stress, cosmetics or medication. Cold and wind are not good for the skin, heat and sunlight are particularly harmful
Rosacea is not curable. The disease, also known as couperose, is usually chronic and flares up. However, with proper treatment, skin care, a healthy diet, and avoidance of triggers, rosacea is largely controllable.
In particular, there should be less sugar and meat on the table. The redness, papules, and pustules of rosacea are visible signs of inflammation.
In the early stages of rosacea, the skin is diffusely reddened and shows increasingly clearly visible, dilated vessels. The skin burns or stings, and sometimes itches. Initially, the redness subsides spontaneously, later it persists permanently.
Acne is a very common, chronic disease of the sebaceous follicle. Rosacea is a common and chronic inflammatory disease.