ELOS (Electro-Optic Synergy) offers a fast, safe and gentle method to permanently remove unwanted hair. Precisely controlled pulses of a mixture of electrical and optical light energy penetrate and destroy the hair follicles without damaging the skin. Depending on the region of the body, a pulse that only lasts a few milliseconds is either not felt at all or felt as a slight pinching sensation. Active skin surface cooling and skin resistance measurements that are constantly carried out ensure the highest possible level of safety. The peculiarity of this method is that even slightly pigmented hair (blonde and gray hair), downy hair and all skin types (even dark and black skin) can be treated. However, please be prepared that more sessions are required to epilate blonde hair.
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, while laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both light hair removal methods target the melanin in the hair follicles and provide permanent hair removal.
Normal hair growth occurs in three phases: anagen phase (active growth), catagen phase (regression) and telogen phase (resting phase). This means that depending on the region of the body, only a certain part of the hair is in a treatable state. Therefore, the hair that was not in a treatable phase must be post-treated. Which results in a different number of sessions. As a rule, a good result can be expected after about 6 sessions.