
are small benign skin nodules that are particularly visible on the face and neck. Fibromas are not aesthetic, but they are completely harmless: They are an expression of excessive activity of the fibroblasts, i.e. the cells that produce connective tissue.


  • forms of therapy

      Onetec Plasma Pen
  • Symptoms:

    Depending on the form of the fibroma, small, flat, raised or pedunculated skin growths on the face, arms, legs, trunk, sometimes also the genital area and oral mucosa

  • Causes and risk factors:

      Defects in tissue differentiation in the embryonic phase, accumulation in combination with certain diseases
  • Soft fibroids

    Also called skin warts because of their shape. Skin warts grow out of the skin. The stem usually has a broad base and tapers to a pendulum-like shape. Stilt warts are the most common form of soft fibroids. There is also the type of fibroma molle. These are small, mostly skin-colored skin protuberances measuring a few millimeters in diameter. Fibroids can appear red or black and resemble liver spots.

  • Harte Fibroid

    are nodular growths of connective tissue. They can measure a few millimeters in diameter, but can also grow up to one centimeter. At first glance, hard fibroids appear flat. They are usually light or dark brown. Hard fibroids form primarily on the limbs, but also on the torso. Especially often they appear on the legs of young women.

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